17 June 1988
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this Commercial Item Description.
This Commercial Item Description covers a flannel lined head sling which, in conjunction with a spreader and appropriate weights, provides cervical traction as needed.
Salient characteristics:
The head sling shall consist of a flannel lined chin and neck support which shall be provided in the following sizes:
Size 1- Large (suitable for a 12 inch spreader bar)
Size 2- Medium (suitable for a 12 inch spreader bar)
Size 3- Small (suitable for a 9 inch spreader bar)
The material of the chin and neck support shall consist of a cotton coutil or bleached jean backing having a minimum weight of 6 ounces per square yard, and a cotton flannel lining having a minimum weight of 4.6 ounces per square yard. A laminated flannel lined cotton material, equivalent to the above, shall be acceptable. Cotton webbing shall be used and shall be 3/4 inch wide with a minimum weight of 0.48 ounces per linear yard. The edges of the head sling shall be doubled over, or secured by a cotton binding having a minimum overall width of 1/2 inch and a minimum weight of 4 ounces per square yard.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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