3 September 1987
25 July 1985
(Glass, Light-Resistant, Tablet and Capsule)
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description in preference to Military Specification MIL-B-37035A
This commercial item description covers a light-resisting glass bottle with one type of screwcap safety closure, suitable for dispensing tablet and capsule pharmaceutical preparations.
Salient characteristics:
Shall be a wide mouth light-resisting glass bottle with a molded plastic safety closure, suitable for dispensing tablet and capsule pharmaceutical preparations.
Shall comply with the provisions of the Pharmacopeia of the United States (USP) pertaining to Permeation Standards for tight containers and Light Transmission for light-resistant type NP glass containers.
The configuration (shape) of the bottle that is a 13 dram size or under, shall be cylindrical with a wide mouth opening. The configuration (shape) of the bottle that is larger than a 13 dram size shall be square with a cylindrical wide mouth opening. Both shapes shall have an exterior continuous type threaded finish for the closure, and a flat top surface, level and free of discernible ridges, to make contact with the liner of the closure cap. The minimum cubic centimeter (cc) overflow capacity of the 7,11 and 13 dram size bottles shall be 24.5, 38.0 and 48.5 cc respectively. The minimum overflow capacity of the 16, 24, 32, 48 and 64 dram bottles shall be 59.5, 89.0 148.5, 180.0 and 237.0 cc. respectively. The maximum allowable overflow capacity for aforementioned size bottles shall be such that there is no overlapping of capacities between two bottles. All bottles shall have an available prescription label surface height of 51 mm (2 inches), below the closure gap.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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