21 September 1990
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description.
This Commercial Item Description covers a sterile, disposable, surgical drape pack for creating a sterile field for arthroscopic procedures.
Salient Characteristics:
The arthroscopic surgical pack shall be sterile, disposable, surgical drape pack fabricated of nonwoven material, for creating a sterile field specifically for arthroscopic procedures. The pack shall contain at least the following components in the listed approximate dimensions.
a. One tablecover/overwrap, 43 by 89 inches minimum
b. One Mayo stand cover with pad, 23 by 55 inches.
c. One scrub nurse gown with towel (overwrapped)
d. One surgical gown and towel
e. One extra protection surgical gown with towel
f. One extremity per pad with tape, 24 by 44 inches
g. One medium stockinette, 9 by 47 inches
h. One adherent/impervious split sheet with a 20 inch adhesive split.
i. Ten feet non-conductive tubing (optional)
j. Four tape strips, 4 by 23 inches (approximate)
k. One suture bag
l. One arthroscopic limb sheet, 80 by 116 inches
The tablecover/overwrap shall be fan-folded for ease in opening on the surgical back table. The tablecover shall be impervious to fluids and moisture. The table cover shall not
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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