h. One (1) baby blanket not less than 30 inches by 26 inches long (76.2 by 66.04 cm).
i. One (1) bulb syringe, 2 or 3 oz (59.2 or 88.7 ml).
j. One (1) umbilical cord clamp.
k. One (1) sanitary napkin (optional).
l. One (1) suture bag.
m. One (1) Yankauer suction tip (optional).
n. Ten feet (3 meters) of nonconductive suction tubing (optional).
o. One (1) sharps disposal system (optional).
2. The overwrap table cover shall be a nonwoven fabric of polyethylene laminate and shall be fan-folded for ease in opening on the operating room (OR) table. The overwrap table cover shall be impervious to fluids.
3. The Mayo stand cover with pad shall be polyethylene film with a nonwoven fabric pad. The Mayo stand cover shall be fan-folded to permit easy draping. The pad shall be 12 by 18 or 20 by 24 inches (30.48 by 45.72 or 50.8 by 60.96 cm). The Mayo stand cover with pad shall be impervious to fluids.
4. One (1) surgical gown and hand towel shall be separately over-wrapped for use by the scrub nurse.
5. The surgical pack shall contain two (2) surgical gowns with extra fluid barrier fronts, minimum barrier area from nipple line to mid-thigh. The gowns shall be spun laced nonwoven made of 60 percent wood pulp and 40 percent polyester fibers.
6. The surgical gowns shall completely cover the back of the individual gowned and shall be water repellent. The surgical gowns shall have stockinette cuffs that conform to wrists and snap or tie neck closure. The surgical gowns shall meet the AORN Recommended Practices for Aseptic Barrier Materials for Surgical Gowns.
7. The hand towels shall be a minimum 14 by 22 or 18.75 by 19.50 inches (35.5 by 55.8 cm or 47.63 by 49.53 cm). The towels shall be highly absorbent to sufficiently dry arms after a surgical scrub.
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