Inspection. Inspection, as used herein, is defined as both examination (such as visual or auditory investigation without the use of special laboratory appliances or procedures) and testing (determination by technical means of physical and chemical properties) of the item.
Tests. Tests shall be conducted to determine compliance with specification requirements. Where feasible, the same sample shall be used for the determination of two or more test characteristics.
Sampling for examination. Sampling for examination shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-105, with an AQL of 2.5 (percent defective) and an inspection level of II. The unit of product for examination purposes shall be one sterilization wrapper as specified in this description.
Wrapper not creped in one direction.
Wrapper not free of tears, cuts, holes, or perforations.
Wrapper not low linting.
Wrapper not free of grease, dirt, or foreign material.
Sampling for tests. Sampling for tests including dimensional test, shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-105, with an AQL of 2.5 (percent defective) and inspection level of (). The unit of product for test purposes shall be one sterilization wrapper.
Sterilization test.
Typical surgical shall be placed inside the sterilization wrapper, sealed with sterilization indicator tape, and autoclaved with steam at 250°F and 15 pounds pressure for 30 minutes. The wrapper shall then be inspected for hardness, brittleness, and resistance to puncturing or tearing. Any excessive hardness, brittleness, or tendency to puncture or tear, shall constitute a defect.
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