16 December 1986
BOTTLE, SAFETY CAP (Tablet and Capsule)
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description.
This commercial item description covers a light-resistant glass bottle with one type of screw cap safety closure, suitable for dispensing tablet and capsule pharmaceutical preparations.
Salient characteristics:
Shall be 64 dram capacity, wide mouth, light-resistant glass bottle with a safety closure, suitable for dispensing tablet and capsule pharmaceutical preparations.
Shall comply with the provisions of the Pharmacopeia of the United States (USP) pertaining to tight containers and light-resistant type NP glass containers.
The configuration (shape) of the bottle shall be square with straight walls, a cylindrical wide mouth opening and an extractor continuous threaded finish for the closure. The minimum overflow capacity shall be 237 cc. The bottle shall have an available prescription label surface height of 51 mm (2 inches) base to shoulder.
The safety closure shall conform to the child-resistant requirements of the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-601) under Title 16 CFR Chapter II, Subchapter E, 1700.20. The closure cap on the bottle shall be one that can only be opened by two coordinated actions of pushing down on the top of the cap shall have a continuous type thread for closure, and a liner to form a seal when full contact is made with the upper edge of the bottle. Instructions for opening the safety closure shall be embossed on the top surface of the cap, with the lettering in either contrasting color to the body of the cap or with letter size at least 2.5 millimeter in height.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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