19 September 1986
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description in preference to A-A-0051425(DM), 22 April 1986.
This commercial item description covers one type of brush-sponge, surgical scrub, 4 percent chlorhexidine gluconate impregnated, disposable, non-irritating bristle with foam sponge backing. The brush-sponge shall be used for surgical scrub procedures to degerm the skin. The brush-sponge shall be individually sealed with nail cleaner.
Salient characteristics:
The surgical scrub brush-sponge shall be disposable, with nonirritating bristles on a foam sponge backing that is impregnated with a four (4) percent chlorhexidine gluconate solution. The brush-sponge shall be suitable for surgical scrub procedures to degerm the skin.
The brush-sponge shall include a disposable plastic nail cleaner.
The brush-sponge shall have a shelf life of at least 24 months. Not less than 20 months of the expiration dating period shall remain at the time of delivery to the Government.
Workmanship. The brush-sponge shall be free from defects which detract from its appearance or impair its serviceability.
Unit. Package (PG). One package containing twenty-five individually packaged brush/sponges to a dispenser box, and eight dispenser boxes to a package, as specified, constitutes one unit.
Samplinq for tests. Sampling for tests shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-sTD-105 and as specified herein. The unit of product for test purposes shall be one (1) package.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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