12 August 1986
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description.
This commercial item description covers a lightweight, disposable, personal patient shaving kit.
Salient characteristics:
The shave kit shall consist of a disposable, lightweight, single edge razor and an approximately one ounce aerosol container of shaving cream.
The razor shall be a “T” shape design with a Teflon coated stainless steel blade. Overall length of the razor shall be approximately 4 inches long with a blade cutting edge approximately 1-7/16 inches long.
The razor, except for the stainless steel blade, shall be constructed entirely of a suitable strong, heat-resistant plastic. The razor handle shall be easy to hold.
The razor shall be designed with suitable blade guards to prevent injury to patients during use.
The razor shall have a separate strong plastic blade protector that is easy to remove and replace.
The razor shall be capable of giving 5 to 10 shaves in normal use, depending on the patient beard type and use conditions.
Plastic parts of the razor shall have no burrs, cracks, or sharp edges. The blade shall be free of burrs or nicks.
Each individual kit shall be packaged clean and ready for use.
Workmanship. The patient shave kit shall be free from defects which may detract from its appearance or impair its serviceability.
Unit. Package (PG). One package containing one hundred individually packaged patient shave kits, as specified, constitutes one unit.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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