19 January 1990
20 December 1985
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this Commercial Item Description as a replacement for Military Specification MIL-M-40042B which is cancelled.
This Commercial Item Description covers a foam rubber pad with mattress cover, suitable for use with an ambulance stretcher.
Salient characteristics:
The stretcher mattress shall consist of a firm, high resilient, polyester foam pad, a mattress cover of polyvinyl coated polyester or nylon, a 24 inch long zipper, and polyester thread. The overall dimensions of the mattress shall be 72 to 73 inches long, 18 to 18-1/2 inches wide, 3 to 3-1/2 inches thick, with a 2 inch plus or minus 1/4 inch radius on each corner.
The foam pad shall be made of one solid piece of foam, or it may be molded in not more than four sections, and strongly bonded together in such a manner that the seams shall not be so firm as to be detectable through the case. The pad shall have a minimum density of 3.0 pounds per cubic foot with no large voids or objectionable odor. The pad shall be made of virgin foam material, not previously used material. The pad shall have an indentation load deflection (ILD) from 31 to 36 pounds of force per 50 square inch area to produce a 25 percent indentation, when tested as specified. The material for the mattress cover shall be a minimum of 6 ounces per square yard and shall be fire –resistant treated. Each mattress cover shall be a minimum of 6 ounces per square and shall fit snugly over the foam pad, but shall not pucker or pull the mattress out of line due to an excessively close fit. The top and bottom panels of the mattress cover shall each be cut in one piece. Each side of the mattress cover on the side panels shall be provided with
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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